Not that we’ve had any thus far in the season (lightning actually occurs mostly in the spring/summer) but I found this pictures online of a lightning storm that hit Dallas a few years ago. Since I’ve talked about the crazy bigger than life Texas lightning on this blog before, I thought I would post some pictures to give you an idea of what it typically looks like.
Archives for November 2008
My Wisdom Teeth
I figure that while I have internet access at the Unruhs, I may as well catch up. Yesterday I had my two left wisdom teeth taken out by one Dr. Bill Dischinger, Portland Orthodontist. My bottom left wisdom tooth has been bothering me for months now, ever since it cracked due to a cavity that the dentist refused to fill. Actually, “bothering me” would be a huge understatement- “mind-numbing pain” would be a more accurate description. The pain was so unbearable that I even started to look for emergency dentist near me at night when I could not fall asleep.
Anyways, once I found out that my insurance was not going to cover it, I called around getting ballpark figures for what it might cost me. One lady actually said, “$2300”. I responded, “That’s like…a CAR!!” She then proceeded to tell me that it would cost less if I didn’t have anesthesia.
Even though the dentists from West Cobb Dentistry that I’ve had have always told me that I technically didn’t NEED to ever get my wisdom teeth out since they all came in straight, I knew that I probably would someday. And I always pictured being completely knocked out for this event. However, faced with the prospect of this surgery costing $600 less if I opted instead for novocaine and laughing gas, I took it. I was assured that the laughing gas would make me so loopy that I wouldn’t know what was going on. But quality dental care was of prime importance for me.
Well, as it turns out, laughing gas doesn’t work on me. Apparently, it has something to do with the fact that I have small sinus cavities and allergies (which causes continual swelling in the already small sinus cavities).
So I got to find out first hand why the surgery only takes 1/2 hr. Basically, they wait until you’re numb, then grab a pair of pliers, and then start yanking. Hard. What I was told was just going to feel like “slight pressure” was more like, “Hmm, the doctor has a stance that closely resembles a weight lifter.” I was priveleged to actually hear my teeth cracking and the roots snapping. I also felt like I was choking on my own blood the whole time. The only time I felt actual pain, however, was when they started on the bottom tooth. In response to the sudden pain, I actually kicked my knee up, sending the dentist’s tool tray flying. That tooth, apparently, was more embedded than the other and needed some stitches when they were done.
But God has blessed me immensely, because by the end of Day 1 (yesterday) I was no longer on pain-killers of any kind. I brushed my teeth for the first time today and managed to eat scrambled eggs and mac and cheese. At this point, I am not even visibly swollen. The only thing I have to remind me of my surgery is a stiff neck and the occasional taste of blood in my mouth.
Thank you to everyone who was praying for me!! I know that has to be what made the difference:)
Tim and Hope’s Wedding
Sorry that I haven’t been able to post these yet, we haven’t had any internet either at the house or at my work. THAT is a long story, most preferably told later:)
Last weekend, as many of you know, Jesse and I flew home to California to witness two of our best friends, Tim Bartel and Hope Rhodes, get married. As I mentioned previously, we had received free stand-by tickets from one of my piano students. It was a nice change to not pay anything to fly home!
Keith picked us up from the airport and after visiting his apt., he dropped us off at Biola so that we could pick up David’s car to borrow for the weekend. After that, we drove to Mitch and Trenna’s where I visited before driving to our consecutive bachelor and bachelorette parties. Jesse and the guys went to TAPS, and I went to Hope’s house for a “Fiesta” party. I have to admit- the best part was either the fried icecream, or seeing Hope stumble around in the backyard with a bat, blindfolded and looking for her pinata.
The next day, I tried valiently to get Hope to the nail salon, only to make her late for her own Rehearsal. After the Rehearsal, which was quick and painless, we went to the Rehearsal Dinner at an incredibly nice (and pricey!) restaurant called, “Cat in the Custard Cup.” I knew it was high end when the servers pushed my chair in and put my napkin on my lap, immediately offering me an $89 bottle of wine!
And then the next day was the wedding which was simple, but beautiful. Hope and Tim are the perfect example of how it doesn’t take a fancy wedding to have a good one. Everyone there could see how incredibly in love they were. It was probably better not to waste any money on anything superfluous- they probably wouldn’t have noticed!
Here are a few pictures. The rest can be found on my facebook.
Later one, Jesse and I met out families at the Elephant Bar. It was grand:)