I’m gonna fill you in on a little secret– in all 5.5 years of our marriage, Jesse and I have NEVER had nightstands. I know, right? The horrors. We’ve used two tiny little tables here and there, but they don’t store anything and they hardly hold anything on top.
This is a problem when you are nursing all night, every night. I always have the following right next to me: a burp cloth, a jug of water, a lamp, my phone/clock/alarm, cream, chapstick, plus any breastpump parts. It gets pretty crowded and messy looking.
But here’s the problem– I don’t LIKE the look of more substantial nightstands! The idea of having a matching dresser/nightstand set makes me feel really old inside. I like the more delicate, eclectic, mis-matched look a ton more. But….most of these kinds of nightstands are not practical, seeing as they are small and don’t have drawers.
So, I’ve been scoping Craigslist for months, waiting for the perfect deal to jump on. My criteria– super cheap, unordinary details, able to be sanded down and painted, and close nearby.
This last week, I found all of these in one deal. These nightstands were $30/each, located in our town. Not only that, but the lady even delivered them for us once she found out we’d just had a baby 🙂
Step 2: Thursday, Jesse spent a few hours sanding them down for me. Seriously, it’s amazing how many drawers doors open when you’re willing to buy furniture in any paint/finish, knowing you can just redo it yourself. Or, in my case, knowing that your loving husband will willingly give up an afternoon to do it for you!
In around 3 hours yesterday early evening (broken up twice for feedings!), I was able to paint 2 coats of no VOC paint on them. My mom and I had gone on an “outing” to Home Depot Wednesday night (I got to pick two “outings” this week! One to Target, one to Home Depot!) and picked out a light green/gray that matches perfectly with the new duvet bedding set I have my eyes on. We’ve had the same maroon/beige color scheme in our room since we got married, and I’m totally ready for a change.
Anyways, here they are, Step 3 completed.
The new, more modern hardware I ordered from Home Depot hasn’t arrived yet (mail order, only). Hardware is to furniture as the eyes are to the face, so putting those on will obviously change the look quite a bit. I can’t wait! I’m also considering adding some dark shading in various places to highlight the details, but I’m not sure how…