Looking back over 2014, it’s surprising to me that my favorite and, coincidentally, most popular posts were about foster care and adoption. All of these posts were written out of desperation– a way to express an overflowing amount of frustration and emotion.
This post, titled 10 Things I Never Knew About Foster Care, was found and featured on Adopt US Kids. I had no idea it was on there until I started getting thousands of hits. When I tracked down the actual Facebook post containing the link, I felt beat down and discouraged by the negativity I found. After I regrouped my emotions, however, I realized that 99.9% of the feedback was positive, filled with relieved fellow foster parents who were thankful that they weren’t alone in their experience. I learned that to be a blogger, one has to hear the negative feedback and ignore it, so long as one can evaluate the situation honestly. I wrote this follow up post as a defense for why I blog about foster care, and it gave me a lot of much-needed clarity and peace of mind.
My second favorite post of 2014 was an open letter I wrote to one of our foster children, a boy who no longer lives with us but is still very near and dear to my heart. I think about him every day, and this letter remains as proof that we loved him and loved the gift that he gave to us.
This post went viral when it was featured on Parenting Magazine’s website. I felt so honored that others got a glimpse of the change that foster care has produced in my heart.
In a nutshell, these were my two favorite posts of 2014. Please, feel free to share them with current foster parents who might need encouragement or solidarity. Know that I have always made time to respond to inquiries and fellow foster parents– some of my best “blog friends” that I found through these posts are now part of my personal profile on Facebook! 😉